Avengers: Infinity War and Deathly Hallows

I know, I know, this is a Potterblog, but I couldn’t help but write about the latest Marvel movie, which is one of the best and greatest movies of all time, Infinity War.

I mean c’mon did you watch the movie?? No one ever thought the ending was gonna be like that, soooo unpredictable and so very heartbreaking. I was so much snobbing for a few hours, shocked to the core for a few days, came to understanding but still so much sad.

But still why am I writing this blog? Well meh, couldn’t help but compare this movie to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows both the parts. Weird? I know.

Well I’m not comparing all character who seemed to vanish after Thanos snapped his fingers to the death of Voldemort, which happened in a similar fashion. Both of these movies solely revolve around the two antagonists of their series, and how far they have come to, also how they have sacrificed a part of their life to get this far.

Both of these stories travel to different places, getting to know people and working together. Just like Harry’s death, Bucky and Peter getting vanished was heartbreaking, and I so can’t get over it. Hopefully, they might return in the next Avengers movie, but till then we have to stay patient and live through that heartbreak.

If you got any thoughts over this, do let know.

Until next time, Potterheads!

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