Gellert Grindelwald replaced!

Well, the whole fandom knows what's going on in Potterverse right now, but it was not confirmed (I was waiting for the news myself) that Mads would replace Johnny, it was a rumor or maybe a very good guess from the side of fans I'd say it's sad that we lost Johnny from the role …

PJO Adaptation

I know, I know, this is a blog related to Harry Potter stuff but again how can someone not love Percy Jackson? As for me I am a enormously huge fan of PJO and Uncle Rick himself! And I believe that Percy Jackson deserved the fame that Harry Potter got, well FOX Studios could not …

Oh Snape!

I was really excited to tell y'all about these YouTube episodes I rewatched last week, I'm literally rewatching them right now, they're just wholesome (IDK I think they're wholesome) and absolutely funny. The youtube channel named Studio C creates a lot of content and some of it is Harry Potter related. Couple of years ago …

Hello readers!

Seems like I have again disappeared from the face of Earth these days, keeping away from here, and from social media. Well I've been doing a lot of thinking for my future plans past these months, even though I am still not clear about it. Well I hope that in these difficult times, you guys …